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Air pollution: causes and impacts (edX)

This MOOC focuses on issues related to air quality. Learn the basics of air pollution and its environmental, health, social and economical effects to better understand and address this problem. Air pollution is a major and global concern, arising for the most part from human activities. Air pollutants can [...]

Advanced Algorithmics and Graph Theory with Python (edX)

Strengthen your skills in algorithmics and graph theory, and gain experience in programming in Python along the way. Algorithmics and programming are fundamental skills for engineering students, data scientists and analysts, computer hobbyists or developers. Learning how to program algorithms can be tedious if you aren’t given an opportunity [...]

Understanding Artificial Intelligence through Algorithmic Information Theory (edX)

Can we characterize intelligent behavior? Are there theoretical foundations on which Artificial Intelligence can be grounded? This course on Algorithmic Information will offer you such a theoretical framework. You will be able to see machine learning, reasoning, mathematics, and even human intelligence as abstract computations aiming at compressing information. [...]

Queuing Theory: from Markov Chains to Multi-Server Systems (edX)

Learn key mathematical tools necessary to anticipate the performance levels of queueing systems and understand the behavior of other systems that evolve randomly over time. Situations where resources are shared among users appear in a wide variety of domains, from lines at stores and toll booths to queues in [...]

4G Network Essentials (edX)

Advance your telecom career by learning how 4G networks enable internet access for smartphone users anytime, anywhere. 4G is the cutting-edge network technology that links millions of smartphones to the internet. But how does it actually work? Ideal for network engineers, sales engineers, application developers, and many other telecoms [...]