École Polytechnique

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Silicon Thin Film Solar Cells (Coursera)

This course consists of a general presentation of solar cells based on silicon thin films. It is the third MOOC of the photovoltaic series of Ecole polytechnique on Coursera. The general aspects of the photovoltaic field are treated in "Photovoltaic Solar Energy". And the detailed description of the crystalline [...]

Wind resources for renewable energies (Coursera)

The main goal of this course is to get the necessary knowledge on atmospheric and fluid dynamics in order to quantify the wind resource of a local or regional area. We’ll learn about basic meteorology, the specific dynamics of turbulent boundary layers and some standard techniques to estimate wind [...]

Quantum Optics 1 : Single Photons (Coursera)

This course gives you access to basic tools and concepts to understand research articles and books on modern quantum optics. You will learn about quantization of light, formalism to describe quantum states of light without any classical analogue, and observables allowing one to demonstrate typical quantum properties of these [...]

Aléatoire : une introduction aux probabilités - Partie 2 (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Aléatoire : une introduction aux probabilités - Partie 2 (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Ce cours d'introduction aux probabilités a la même contenu que le cours de tronc commun de première année de l'École polytechnique donné par Sylvie Méléard. Le cours introduit graduellement la notion de variable aléatoire et culmine avec la loi des grands nombres et le théorème de la limite centrale. [...]

Fundamentals of Fluid-Solid Interactions (Coursera)

What is fluid-solid interactions ? It is what happens when the motions of a fluid and of a solid are somehow coupled. This happens all the time, around you when leaves flutter in the wind, inside you when your heart beats, above you when wings of a [...]

Initiation à la théorie des distributions (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Initiation à la théorie des distributions (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Une fonction discontinue peut-elle être solution d'une équation différentielle? Comment définir rigoureusement la masse de Dirac (une "fonction" d'intégrale un, nulle partout sauf en un point) et ses dérivées? Peut-on définir une notion de "dérivée d'ordre fractionnaire"? Cette initiation aux distributions répond à ces questions - et à bien [...]

Aléatoire : une introduction aux probabilités - Partie 1 (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Aléatoire : une introduction aux probabilités - Partie 1 (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Ce cours d'introduction aux probabilités a la même contenu que le cours de tronc commun de première année de l'École polytechnique donné par Sylvie Méléard. Le cours introduit graduellement la notion de variable aléatoire et culmine avec la loi des grands nombres et le théorème de la limite centrale. [...]

Hydro, Wind & Solar power: Resources, Variability & Forecast (Coursera)

The development of hydro, wind and solar power is growing strongly with as one objective to limit and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. All these renewable energies are intermittent with more or less strong variability. This course provides the basis for estimating the resource of these different modes of production [...]

Outsmarting intermittency (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Outsmarting intermittency (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Solar and wind offer clean and renewable ways to produce large amounts of electricity. They have boomed over the last few years, evolving from an eco-daydream to a major market and showing unprecedented growth rates. Yet, installing solar panels and wind turbines is by no means the end of [...]

Physics of silicon solar cells (Coursera)

The first MOOC “Photovoltaic solar energy” is a general presentation of the solar photovoltaics technologies in the global energetic context, without extensive details. In particular the description of the solar cell operation is restricted to the ideal case. In contrast this second MOOC allows a deep understanding of the [...]