Sustainable Technology

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Agricultura urbana y periurbana (Coursera)

Este curso explica un conjunto de conceptos y herramientas básicas y necesarias para la producción de alimentos agrícolas y pecuarios en pequeños espacios haciendo énfasis en la sustentabilidad de los mismos. Revisando temas como plagas y enfermedades, promueve el rescate de conocimientos tradicionales que, con bajo costo, permiten grandes [...]

Designing for a Sustainable Future (FutureLearn)

Aug 2nd 2021
Designing for a Sustainable Future (FutureLearn)
Free Course
Become a sustainable tech innovator and learn about Design Thinking with Samsung to bring your sustainable tech solutions to life. From environmental tech to green design, find your way in sustainable innovation. Are you curious about how you can use technology to solve our climate crisis?

Bioeconomy: How Renewable Resources Can Help the Future of Our Planet (FutureLearn)

Explore the sustainable technologies, strategies, and careers helping the world transition to a biobased economy. Investigate how you can utilise renewable resources. With a predicted global population of nine billion people in 2050, a well-documented climate crisis, and a global food waste problem, the world needs to [...]