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Drawing Nature, Science and Culture: Natural History Illustration 101 (edX)

Learn how to see and draw nature like an illustrator. Build observational and visual interpretation skills in an interactive and enjoyable way. Whether an aspiring scientific or medical illustrator or someone who enjoys drawing nature’s wonders, this first-of-its-kind MOOC course is for you. The field of Natural History Illustration [...]

The Discovery of the Higgs Boson (FutureLearn)

Should we be excited about the Higgs boson? Find out more about particle physics and understanding the universe. The discovery of a new fundamental particle at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), CERN is the latest step in a long quest seeking to answer one of physics’ most enduring questions: [...]

Question Everything: Scientific Thinking in Real Life (edX)

Learn how to use math and science to solve everyday problems and better prepare yourself to continue studying science in high school and beyond. Have you ever wondered how you can apply math and science skills to real life? Do you wish you could go beyond what you've learned [...]

Making Sense of Climate Science Denial (edX)

Climate change is real, so why the controversy and debate? Learn to make sense of the science and to respond to climate change denial. In public discussions, climate change is a highly controversial topic. However, in the scientific community, there is little controversy with 97% of climate scientists concluding [...]

Understanding Dementia (University of Tasmania)

Feb 7th 2023
Understanding Dementia (University of Tasmania)
Free Course
The Understanding Dementia MOOC was developed by the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre based in the College of Health and Medicine at the University of Tasmania. This world-leading online course is free, easily accessible and available to everyone with an interest in dementia. This course is free and [...]

Fundamentos de la Investigación Científica (edX)

Self Paced
Fundamentos de la Investigación Científica (edX)
Course Auditing
Evalúa las principales posturas respecto al problema de la verdad, cómo saber si un conocimiento es verdadero, qué criterios se emplean para tal efecto, qué diferencia hay entre la certeza y la verdad, ¿todo conocimiento científico es verdadero? Una de las preguntas más importantes e ineludibles de la existencia [...]

Science Communication and Public Engagement (FutureLearn)

Discover the importance of public engagement in science, and learn techniques to share and raise awareness of your research. Define your message and share your findings through social and traditional media. Good science communication ensures the public engage with and understand relevant scientific research. On this course, you will [...]

Science and Human Rights (GCHumanRights)

Scientific freedom and responsibility have to be enabled and practised. They benefit both scientists and policymakers; they also benefit all of us. Yet, these benefits will not be achieved if the status of scientific freedom and responsibility as a human right, as well as their linkages with other human [...]