Outbreak Investigation

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Outbreaks and Epidemics (Coursera)

Professional epidemiologists are often called on to investigate outbreaks and epidemics. This course serves as an introduction to the essentials of investigation, identifying pathogens, figuring out what's going on, reporting, and responding. You'll learn how to ask precise epidemiologic questions and apply epidemiologic tools to uncover the answers. [...]

Investigating Epidemics like COVID-19: An Analyst's Guide (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Investigating Epidemics like COVID-19: An Analyst's Guide (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Do you want to learn how to detect, identify the cause, and decrease the morbidity and mortality from outbreaks or pandemics like COVID-19? Are you considering a career in public health practice, but aren’t sure how health departments collect and use outbreak data? Are you working in public health, [...]