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Strategies for Success in your Music Career (Coursera)

The Musician's Professional Toolbox is more than just a collection of career-building skills: professional musicians need strategies in place that maximize the impact of those skills. Designed for musicians at any point in their career, this course will provide learners with foundational skills necessary for managing your professional music [...]

Aplicaciones musicales con Arduino (Coursera)

En este curso nos adentraremos en el terreno del hardware. Concretamente, aprenderemos a utilizar la placa de desarrollo de hardware de código abierto, llamada Arduino, enfocándonos en las aplicaciones que esta ofrece para la experimentación musical. De manera más específica, aprenderemos en este curso a construir nuestros propios generadores [...]

Introducción al Arte Sonoro (Coursera)

Concebido para personas formadas en cualquier disciplina y que se sientan atraídas por la creación artística vinculada al sonido: la escultura y la instalación sonoras, la música experimental, la improvisación, la poesía, la performance y otras prácticas artísticas que han terminado trascendiendo el ámbito tradicional de las artes plásticas [...]

The Piano Sonata: Russian and 20th-21st Century Composers (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
The Piano Sonata: Russian and 20th-21st Century Composers (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, you’ll review sonata form and learn how the piano sonata was revitalized in the 20th century, with a particular attention to composers from Russia, where the sonata was an especially popular and successful genre. You’ll study some of the most influential piano sonatas of the 20th [...]

The Piano Sonata: Origins to Mozart (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
The Piano Sonata: Origins to Mozart (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, you’ll be introduced to sonata form; how it works, where it came from, and how sonatas are put together as multi-movement compositions. We will analyze the early history of the piano sonata and discover the important early masters of this style (Scarlatti, CPE Bach, Haydn, and [...]

Songwriting: Writing the Music (Coursera)

If your notebook is full of unused lyrics and you’re struggling to find inspiration for the music, this course is for you. Whether you are an experienced songwriter looking for new ideas or a beginning songwriter learning to read music, this course will lead you to a rich source [...]

Music for Wellness (Coursera)

You love music. You listen to music all the time. Maybe you sing, play an instrument, or compose music. You don’t need to have musical talent to use music to enhance your well being, and even your health. Learn simple techniques to enrich your mind, body, and spirit through [...]

Specialty Topics: Biology Across Disciplines (Coursera)

In this course, we will explore the applicability and relationship of biology to the arts, business, and psychology. First, we’ll discuss art as a foundational practice to biology and how biology as a science can explain how we interact with the arts, in particular, our experiences making and listening [...]

Singing Popular Music (Coursera)

You've been studying the greats, working on improving your vocal skills, and building vocal technique. Now it's time to take the next step in your singing career to shine as a vocalist. Singing Popular Music provides you with the essential skills to define your own unique vocal style and [...]

Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions (Coursera)

You’ve got the guitar basics down: You can strum your guitar and play a few of your favorite songs, but you’re ready to take the tunes to the next level. In Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions you’ll expand your knowledge of scales, chord fingerings, and common chord progressions. You’ll [...]