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Iniciación a los Jeroglíficos Egipcios (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Iniciación a los Jeroglíficos Egipcios (Coursera)
Course Auditing
¿Te apasiona la historia y la cultura del antiguo Egipto? ¿Sientes fascinación por las lenguas y los sistemas de escritura de las civilizaciones de la Antigüedad? ¿Te atrae la idea de adentrarte en el secreto de los jeroglíficos egipcios y comprender las claves de su lectura e interpretación? ¡Si [...]

El Valle de los Reyes (Coursera)

Este curso va dirigido a todos los amantes de la historia y arqueología, en general, y de manera particular a todos los interesados en egiptología, independientemente de su nivel de conocimiento inicial. El Valle de los Reyes constituye uno de los yacimientos arqueológicos más importantes de Egipto y su [...]

Introduction to Korean Philosophy and Culture (Coursera)

This course will give you the cultural and historical background to begin your journey into Korean philosophy, and there is no prerequisite knowledge on philosophy required. Anybody who either has an interest in Korean culture, maybe through K-Dramas or K-pop, or an interest in philosophy from a cross-cultural perspective, [...]

The Cosmopolitan Medieval Arabic World (Coursera)

Did you know that Arabic was for centuries the lingua franca in an area stretching from the south of Spain to the Chinese border? Did you know that the Middle East under Muslim rule in those days was the world’s beating heart of trade, but also of science and scholarship?

Deciphering Secrets: The Illuminated Manuscripts of Medieval Europe (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Deciphering Secrets: The Illuminated Manuscripts of Medieval Europe (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Perhaps no other relic of the European Middle Ages captures our imagination more than illuminated medieval manuscripts, or those documents decorated with images and colored pigments. Serving as windows unto a lost world of kings, ladies, faith, war, and culture, they communicate complex visual and textual narratives of Europe’s [...]

Arch of Titus: Rome and the Menorah (Coursera)

The Arch of Titus: Rome and the Menorah explores one of the most significant Roman monuments to survive from antiquity, from the perspectives of Roman, Jewish and later Christian history and art. The Arch of Titus commemorates the destruction of Jerusalem by the emperor Titus in 70 CE, an [...]

Understanding China, 1700-2000: A Data Analytic Approach, Part 2 (Coursera)

The purpose of this course is to summarize new directions in Chinese history and social science produced by the creation and analysis of big historical datasets based on newly opened Chinese archival holdings, and to organize this knowledge in a framework that encourages learning about China in comparative perspective. [...]

Understanding China, 1700-2000: A Data Analytic Approach, Part 1 (Coursera)

The purpose of this course is to summarize new directions in Chinese history and social science produced by the creation and analysis of big historical datasets based on newly opened Chinese archival holdings, and to organize this knowledge in a framework that encourages learning about China in comparative perspective. [...]

Introduction to Classical Music (Coursera)

Using a simple and enjoyable teaching style, this course introduces the novice listener to the wonders of classical music, from Bach fugues to Mozart symphonies to Puccini operas.

Soul Beliefs: Causes and Consequences - Unit 2: Belief Systems (Coursera)

Throughout history, the vast majority of people around the globe have believed they have, however defined, a “soul.” While the question of whether the soul exists cannot be answered by science, what we can study are the causes and consequences of various beliefs about the soul and its prospects [...]