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Reimagining Blackness and Architecture (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Reimagining Blackness and Architecture (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Architecture structures our daily lives. It shapes our homes, streets, neighborhoods, cities and more. But who gets to create and occupy these spaces? In the United States, a long history of anti-Black racism has created spatial inequalities that are built into the physical environment and erased the stories of [...]

Applied Public History: Places, People, Stories (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Applied Public History: Places, People, Stories (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course introduces learners to applied public history: understanding and interpreting the past today, and engaging diverse communities in the practice of making and sharing histories. The course draws on project case studies, expert insights and diverse perspectives to model exciting approaches to researching and sharing the history of [...]

Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Part 6 (Coursera)

Welcome to Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Part 6! You’re joining thousands of learners currently enrolled in the course. I'm excited to have you in the class and look forward to your contributions to the learning community.

Extinctions: Past, Present, & Future (Coursera)

This course introduces you to the five mass extinctions of the pre-human past, their causes and significance to the history of life on earth, and the current mass extinction happening during our time. We’ll also explore the history of paleontology and geological study and review the key players that [...]

Intellectual Change in Early China: Warring States and Han (Coursera)

This sequence of four courses will propose a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of Chinese cultural history conceived of as a succession of modes of rationality (philosophical, bureaucratic, and economic). The focus will be on the moments of paradigm shift from one mode of rationality to another. For each [...]

Organising an Empire: The Assyrian Way (Coursera)

Discover the mighty kingdom of Assyria, which came to be the world’s first great empire three thousand years ago. From the 9th to the 7th centuries BC, during the imperial phase of Assyria’s long history, modern day northern Iraq was the central region of a state reaching from the [...]

Russian History: from Lenin to Putin (Coursera)

In this course, Peter Kenez, Professor Emeritus at UC Santa Cruz, explains the events of modern Russian history and introduces its most significant actors—from Vladimir Lenin to Vladimir Putin.

Words Spun Out of Images: Visual and Literary Culture in Nineteenth Century Japan (Coursera)

In their ambition to capture “real life,” Japanese painters, poets, novelists and photographers of the nineteenth century collaborated in ways seldom explored by their European contemporaries. This course offers learners the chance to encounter and appreciate behavior, moral standards and some of the material conditions surrounding Japanese artists in [...]

A Journey through Western Christianity: from Persecuted Faith to Global Religion (200 - 1650) (Coursera)

This course follows the extraordinary development of Western Christianity from its early persecution under the Roman Empire in the third century to its global expansion with the Jesuits of the early modern world. We explore the dynamic and diverse character of a religion with an enormous cast characters. We [...]

Exploring Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas Part 2 (Coursera)

Welcome to Part 2 of Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas! I'm delighted to launch another set of new lectures of this course as Part 2. As before, this class is meant for people of all levels of experience with Beethoven's music (including no experience at all!). Remember that you are [...]