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Comfort in Buildings (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Comfort in Buildings (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The course provides a comprehensive overview of sustainability in construction, emphasizing the depletion of natural resources, global energy utilization, and challenges faced. It explores site selection parameters, the impact on the environment, and methods for preserving site resources. The integrated design approach and its benefits are discussed, along with [...]
May 20th 2024
Course Auditing
45.00 EUR/month

L'art des structures 1 : Câbles et arcs (Coursera)

L'art des structures propose une découverte du fonctionnement des structures porteuses, telles que les bâtiments, les toitures ou les ponts. Ce cours présente les principes du dimensionnement et les structures en câbles et en arcs. Un deuxième cours présentera les structures en treillis, en poutres et en [...]

L'Art des Structures 2 : treillis, poutres, dalles et cadres (Coursera)

Les structures en treillis, en poutre, en dalles et en cadre sont essentielles pour une grande partie des constructions modernes : immeubles pour l'habitation ou de bureaux, halles et usines, ponts, ou passerelles, voies de transport de l'énergie ou des télécommunications, stades et grandes toitures. Le cours L'Art des [...]

Energy Demand in Buildings (edX)

Discover how building design and occupancy determines the energy demand in buildings and learn how to (re)design low energy buildings. Building design strongly influences the quantity of heating, cooling and electricity needed during building operation. Therefore, a correct thermal design is essential to achieve low energy and low carbon [...]

Comfort and Health in Buildings (edX)

Learn how to realize thermally comfortable and healthy buildings and how energy technologies impact comfort. Even in the well-accepted indoor temperature range of 20-24°C (68-75°F), people can experience thermal discomfort. Complaints about the indoor thermal environment are one of the major complaints building and facility managers have to deal [...]

Designing Climate Neutral Buildings and Transport (edX)

Familiarize yourself with decarbonization measures in the building and transport sectors. Learn about trends in energy usage, carbon intensity, and potential of available alternatives to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Managing Building Adaptation: A Sustainable Approach (edX)

Learn how to adapt buildings sustainably by applying management tools to real-life cases in the built environment. Do you have a passion for buildings and want to contribute to a sustainable environment? Then this is your chance to make a difference! The biggest sustainability challenge for cities worldwide is [...]

Circular Economy for a Sustainable Built Environment (edX)

Learn how the principles of the Circular Economy can be applied to the built environment ranging from products and buildings to metropolitan and regional development strategies. In this course you will become familiar with circularity as a systemic, multi-disciplinary approach, concerned with the different scale, from material to product, [...]

Façade design and engineering: complexity made simple (edX)

Understand the fundamental technology behind façade design and construction and the impact of the various components in facilitating the construction of sustainable, energy efficient, aesthetic and modern buildings. The building façade forms the interface between outside conditions and the habitable indoor climate, where we spend most of our time. [...]

La gestione del processo edilizio dal progetto esecutivo alla realizzazione (POK)

Il cantiere del campus Bonardi al Politecnico di Milano come occasione didattica. Il corso si focalizza sulla fase del progetto esecutivo, con particolare riferimento alle opere pubbliche, e sulla relazione con la fase costruttiva, anche alla luce della normativa vigente, evidenziando la complessità tecnica e gestionale e come le [...]