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Understanding the Music Business: What is Music Worth? (Coursera)

This course will examine the music industry in the United States, with the unique perspective gained by Vanderbilt University’s location in Nashville, TN. Nashville is a major center of music in the United States, and the music created here has a global reach, particularly in the country, rock, pop, [...]

Modern American Poetry (Coursera)

Twelve experienced faculty members from across the United States present their analyses of ground-breaking modern American poets in richly illustrated video lectures. The course highlights both major poets—from Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson through T.S. Eliot, H.D., Amy Lowell, Hart Crane, Langston Hughes, Muriel Rukeyser, and many others—and influential [...]

Write Like Mozart: An Introduction to Classical Music Composition (Coursera)

This course introduces students to strategies for style writing of common practice European art music. The issues of harmonic progression, voice leading, and texture are addressed in addition to relevant compositional concepts like repetition, variation, and elaboration. The course aims to offer a creative space even within the [...]

Art and the Digital Transformation (Coursera)

More than two decades into the new millennium, it is difficult to envision a future in which digital technologies do not play a significant role. Digital technologies frequently make a lot of promises. However, in recent years, we have seen an increasing number of artists address fundamental issues of [...]

Android Architecture/Multimedia Framework (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Android Architecture/Multimedia Framework (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is an Intermediate Course intended for learners passionate about Android Development and have basic knowledge of Android Development. Embark on a comprehensive exploration of Android's architectural components, complemented by an in-depth study of its multimedia frameworks. Designed for software developers, mobile app enthusiasts, and tech professionals, this course [...]

Reimagining Blackness and Architecture (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Reimagining Blackness and Architecture (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Architecture structures our daily lives. It shapes our homes, streets, neighborhoods, cities and more. But who gets to create and occupy these spaces? In the United States, a long history of anti-Black racism has created spatial inequalities that are built into the physical environment and erased the stories of [...]

Applied Public History: Places, People, Stories (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Applied Public History: Places, People, Stories (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course introduces learners to applied public history: understanding and interpreting the past today, and engaging diverse communities in the practice of making and sharing histories. The course draws on project case studies, expert insights and diverse perspectives to model exciting approaches to researching and sharing the history of [...]

Words Spun Out of Images: Visual and Literary Culture in Nineteenth Century Japan (Coursera)

In their ambition to capture “real life,” Japanese painters, poets, novelists and photographers of the nineteenth century collaborated in ways seldom explored by their European contemporaries. This course offers learners the chance to encounter and appreciate behavior, moral standards and some of the material conditions surrounding Japanese artists in [...]

Healing with the Arts (Coursera)

Through art projects—including visual arts, dance, writing, and music—along with spiritual practices and guided imagery, Healing With the Arts gives you the tools to heal what you need to heal in your life: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

The Cycle: Management of Successful Arts and Cultural Organizations (Coursera)

What makes a successful arts and cultural organization? Led by DeVos Institute Chairman Michael M. Kaiser and President Brett Egan, this course will introduce you to a management theory called the Cycle which supports thriving arts and cultural organizations. Learning from our work with managers from over 80 countries [...]