Robin Boyar

Robin Boyar is the founder of thinktank research & strategy, a San Francisco Bay Area consultancy specializing in the digital consumer. Key areas of focus include media, technology, video gaming, healthcare, IoT, and kids. Typical projects include strategic analysis, focus groups, surveys, usability, innovation workshops, playability testing, and ethnographic research. Selected clients include Activision/Blizzard, Amazon, August Lock, DeNA, Disney, Docusign, EA, ESPN, Facebook, Glu, Groupon, Hasbro, Hitachi, Intel, Kaiser Permanente, Kapor Foundation, King, Juniper Networks, LG, Logitech, Microsoft, Nest Labs, Nickelodeon, Nokia, Oracle, Samsung, Sony, Supercell, Tencent, Wargaming, Warner Bros., and Zynga. Before founding thinktank, Robin led research efforts for Electronic Arts (EA), which at the time was the world’s largest videogame publisher. In her six years at EA, she created the company’s first centralized research department, initiated new research methodologies, and managed a team of internal and external researchers. Robin also led research efforts at, a casual games company and was Manager of Consumer Insights at, an online insurance marketplace. A veteran of four technology startups, she has extensive experience as a researcher, designer, and consultant. She began her career working for such organizations as McGraw-Hill, PBS, and the State of California, studying the impact of technology on children’s learning and play. Robin holds an A.B. from Bryn Mawr College, where she majored in History of Art with a focus on art and technology. In her leisure time, she enjoys the visual arts, skiing, and driving her vintage Alfa Romeo convertible.
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Research Report: Delivering Insights (Coursera)

You have completed all the hard work of conducting your internal, secondary, and primary research. You have analyzed all the data and are able to formulate insights and recommendations based on your research proposal. But what is the best way to present your findings and be able to make [...]