Ram Seshadri

Ram has worked for more than 20 years in Financial Services and Technology industries. Prior to working in Google, he worked as a Data Scientist for an investment bank. Ram's background includes experience on Wall Street as an Analyst and Portfolio Manager for more than 11 years in leading Hedge Funds. Ram's passion involves building Auto ML solutions and visualization libraries. He spends his spare time watching old classics and detective TV shows with his family.

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Reinforcement Learning for Trading Strategies (Coursera)

In the final course from the Machine Learning for Trading specialization, you will be introduced to reinforcement learning (RL) and the benefits of using reinforcement learning in trading strategies. You will learn how RL has been integrated with neural networks and review LSTMs and how they can be applied [...]

Introduction to Trading, Machine Learning & GCP (Coursera)

In this course, you’ll learn about the fundamentals of trading, including the concept of trend, returns, stop-loss, and volatility. You will learn how to identify the profit source and structure of basic quantitative trading strategies. This course will help you gauge how well the model generalizes its learning, explain [...]

Using Machine Learning in Trading and Finance (Coursera)

This course provides the foundation for developing advanced trading strategies using machine learning techniques. In this course, you’ll review the key components that are common to every trading strategy, no matter how complex. You’ll be introduced to multiple trading strategies including quantitative trading, pairs trading, and momentum [...]