Jordi Vallverdú

Jordi Vallverdú, Ph.D., M.Sci., B.Mus, B.Phil is Tenure Professor at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Catalonia). His research is dedicated to the epistemological and cognitive aspects of Philosophy of Computing, Sciences and AI. He is founder and Editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Synthetic Emotions (IJSE). He has written several books:
(2007) Una ética de las emociones¸ (2009) Bioética computacional, México: FCE;
(2009) Handbook of Research on Synthetic Emotions and Sociable Robotics: New Applications in Affective Computing and Artificial Intelligence, USA:
IGI Global Group;
(2010) Thinking Machines and the Philosophy of Computer Science: Concepts and Principles, USA: IGI Global Group;
(2011) ¡Hasta la vista Baby! Un ensayo sobre los tecnopensamientos, BCN: Anthropos;
(2012) Creating Synthetic Emotions through Technological and Robotic Advancements, USA: IGI Global Group;
(2015) Bayesian vs. Frequentist Statistics, Springer, forthcoming;
(2015) Synthesizing Human Emotion in Intelligent Systems and Robotics, USA: IGI, forthcoming.
In 2011 he won a prestigious Japanese JSPS fellowship to make his research on computational HRI interfaces at Kyoto University. He has been keynote at ECAP09 (TUM, München, Germany), EBICC2012 (UNESP, Brazil) and SLACTIONS 2013 (Portugal).

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¿Cómo persuadir? Jugando con palabras, imágenes y números (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
¿Cómo persuadir? Jugando con palabras, imágenes y números (Coursera)
Course Auditing
¿Te has planteado alguna vez mediante qué mecanismos algunas personas consiguen convencer a otras personas? Este curso da respuesta a la pregunta y está dirigido a cualquier individuo interesado por los mecanismos de la argumentación en el siglo XXI. Aprenderemos la base de la comunicación persuasiva y el pensamiento [...]

Emotions: a Philosophical Introduction (Coursera)

Philosophy is like sex: sure you can get some interesting results, but that's not why we do it. Going one step beyond…why do you FEEL pain or pleasure? Do plants have emotions? How is possible that some people do not understand other’s emotions? Emotions seem to be everywhere, giving [...]

Humanidades digitales (Coursera)

¿Te has planteado para qué sirven las humanidades en el siglo XXI? ¿Cómo el advenimiento de lo Digital ha cambiado nuestra forma de acercarnos a las Humanidades? ¿Y al revés? ¿De qué forma las Humanidades influencian sobre los diferentes aspectos de la Tecnología? Te ofrecemos el primer curso online [...]