Christoph Meinel

Professor Dr. Christoph Meinel (Univ. Prof., Dr. sc. nat., Dr. rer. nat., 1954) is Scientific Director and CEO of the Hasso Plattner Institute for Software Systems Engineering GmbH (HPI) . He is a full professor (C4) for computer science and holds a chair at HPI on Internet Technologies and Systems . His areas of research focus on future Internet technologies, in particular Information Security, Web 3.0: Semantic Web, Social and Service Web, as well as on innovative Internet applications, especially in the domains of e-learning, tele-teaching and tele-medicine. Besides, he is scientifically active in the field of innovation research Design Thinking. His earlier research work concentrated on the theoretical foundation of computer science in the areas of computational complexity and the design of efficient (OBDD-based) algorithms and data structures.
Christoph Meinel teaches in the Bachelor and Master courses in IT-Systems Engineering and at the HPI School of Design Thinking. He is honorary professor at the Computer Sciences School at Beijing University of Technology, visiting professor at Shanghai University in China, and a senior research fellow at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) at the University of Luxembourg. Since 2008, together with Larry Leifer from Stanford University, he is program director of the HPI-Stanford Design Thinking Research Program. Since 2010, he chairs the Steering Committee of the HPI Future SOC lab .
Christoph Meinel is author/co-author of 10 books and 4 anthologies, as well as editor of various conference proceedings. More than 400 of his papers have been published in high-profile scientific journals and at international conferences. His high-security solution Lock-Keeper is internationally patented and licensed by Siemens AG. His tele-TASK system provides an innovative mobile system for recording and Internet broadcasting lectures and presentations used in many universities all-over the world. The virtual tele-lab for Internet Security provides the possibility to get hands-on experiences in practical issues of Internet and information security. The recently developed tele-Board supports remote work of creative teams.
Christoph Meinel is a member of acatech, the German academy of sciences and engineering. He is chairman of the German IPv6 council and of the advisory board of UTD Meraka in South Africa, and a member of the SAP Security Advisory Board. In 2006, he hosted together with Hasso Plattner the first German "National IT-Summit" of the German Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel. From 1998 to 2002 he was the founder and CEO of the Research Lab "Institute for Telematics" in Trier. Christoph Meinel is chief editor of the scientific electronic journals ECCC - Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity and ECDTR - Electronic Colloquium on Design Thinking Research , the IT-Gipfelblog , and the tele-TASK archive.
More info here.

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Web Technologies - Edition 2023 (openHPI)

Oct 25th 2023
Web Technologies - Edition 2023 (openHPI)
Free Course
WWW, the world wide web or shortly the web - really nothing more than an information service on the Internet – has changed our world by creating a whole new digital world that is closely intertwined with our real world, making reality what was previously unimaginable: communication across the [...]

Digitale Zukunftstechnologien - KI, Internet of Things, Blockchain (openHPI)

Aug 30th 2023
Digitale Zukunftstechnologien - KI, Internet of Things, Blockchain (openHPI)
Free Course
Dieser Kurs vermittelt Ihnen vertiefte Einblicke in drei bahnbrechende Technologien , die – im Zusammenspiel eingesetzt – das Potenzial zu massiver gesellschaftlicher Transformation haben: Blockchain, das Internet der Dinge (IoT) und Künstliche Intelligenz (KI).

Internetworking Edition 2023 (openHPI)

Die Zahl der Internetnutzer:innen weltweit ist kontinuierlich gestiegen und lag 2021 bei rund 4,9 Milliarden Menschen. In Deutschland sind ca. 94% der Bevölkerung online unterwegs. Das Netz der Netze hat unser Leben und Arbeiten radikal verändert. In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie, welche technischen Prinzipien dem Internet zugrunde liegen. Darüber [...]

Zum Web-Experten in 3 Schritten - Prüfung (openHPI)

Oct 20th 2021
Zum Web-Experten in 3 Schritten - Prüfung (openHPI)
Free Course
In diesem Prüfungskurs können Sie Ihr Wissen zum Thema Webtechnologien unter Beweis stellen. Die Fragen umfassen sowohl Basiswissen zum World Wide Web als auch Fragen zu bekannten Web-Anwendungen wie der Google Suche oder Online-Zahlungsmechanismen. Darüber hinaus gibt es einen praktischen Prüfungsteil (Peer Assessment), in dem Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten in [...]

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Programmieren fürs Web (openHPI)

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A Half Century of Internet: How it works today (openHPI)

Self Paced
A Half Century of Internet: How it works today (openHPI)
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The Internet connects more than half of the world's population. This revolutionary form of transmitting all kinds of data between places on the planet has made the network of networks the indispensable backbone of societies. The number of users has exploded to four billion people. The speed of change [...]

Blockchain – Revealing the Myth (openHPI)

In this course we want to explore the origins, goals, development path and fakes of Blockchain technology that have emerged along the way. More specifically, we will take a look at the initial idea of Blockchain and how it works. Then, we will examine which evolution it has run [...]

Cyberthreats by Malware (openHPI)

In this course we will discuss a huge problem on the Internet: The spread of malware. The number of cyber attacks has increased again in 2020. New forms of malware have evolved, even more disruptive and more damaging. We will cover different types of malware, such as, viruses, worms, [...]