Andrew Ng

Andrew Ng is Co-founder of Coursera, and an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University. His machine learning course is the MOOC that had led to the founding of Coursera!

In 2011, he led the development of Stanford University’s main MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) platform and also taught an online Machine Learning class to over 100,000 students, thus helping launch the MOOC movement and also leading to the founding of Coursera.

Ng also works on machine learning, with an emphasis on deep learning. He had founded and led the “Google Brain” project, which developed massive-scale deep learning algorithms. This resulted in the famous “Google cat” result, in which a massive neural network with 1 billion parameters learned from unlabeled YouTube videos to detect cats. Until recently, he led Baidu's ~1300 person AI Group, which developed technologies in deep learning, speech, computer vision, NLP, and other areas.

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ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers (Coursera)
Free Course
Go beyond the chat box. Use API access to leverage LLMs into your own applications, and learn to build a custom chatbot. In ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers, you will learn how to use a large language model (LLM) to quickly build new and powerful applications. Using the OpenAI [...]

Building Systems with the ChatGPT API (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Building Systems with the ChatGPT API (Coursera)
Free Course
In Building Systems With The ChatGPT API, you will learn how to automate complex workflows using chain calls to a large language model. Unlock new development capabilities and improve your efficiency in this brand new short course.

Understanding and Applying Text Embeddings (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Understanding and Applying Text Embeddings (Coursera)
Free Course
The Vertex AI Text-Embeddings API enhances the process of generating text embeddings. These text embeddings, which are numerical representations of text, play a pivotal role in many tasks involving the identification of similar items, like Google searches, online shopping recommendations, and personalized music [...]

Sequence Models (Coursera)

This course will teach you how to build models for natural language, audio, and other sequence data. Thanks to deep learning, sequence algorithms are working far better than just two years ago, and this is enabling numerous exciting applications in speech recognition, music synthesis, chatbots, machine translation, natural language [...]

Structuring Machine Learning Projects (Coursera)

You will learn how to build a successful machine learning project. If you aspire to be a technical leader in AI, and know how to set direction for your team's work, this course will show you how. Much of this content has never been taught elsewhere, and is drawn [...]

Neural Networks and Deep Learning (Coursera)

If you want to break into cutting-edge AI, this course will help you do so. Deep learning engineers are highly sought after, and mastering deep learning will give you numerous new career opportunities. Deep learning is also a new "superpower" that will let you build AI systems that just [...]

LangChain for LLM Application Development (DeepLearning.AI)

The framework to take LLMs out of the box. Learn to use LangChain to call LLMs into new environments, and use memories, chains, and agents to take on new and complex tasks. In LangChain for LLM Application Development, you will gain essential skills in expanding the use cases and [...]

Building Systems with the ChatGPT API (DeepLearning.AI)

Level up your use of LLMs. Learn to break down complex tasks, automate workflows, chain LLM calls, and get better outputs. In Building Systems With The ChatGPT API, you will learn how to automate complex workflows using chain calls to a large language model. Unlock new development capabilities and [...]

ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers (DeepLearning.AI)

Go beyond the chat box. Use API access to leverage LLMs into your own applications, and learn to build a custom chatbot. In ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers, you will learn how to use a large language model (LLM) to quickly build new and powerful applications. Using the [...]

Machine Learning (Coursera)

Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed. In the past decade, machine learning has given us self-driving cars, practical speech recognition, effective web search, and a vastly improved understanding of the human genome. Machine learning is so pervasive today that you probably [...]