Personal and Professional Development

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Creating an Engaging Candidate Experience (Coursera)

Employer branding is a hot topic in today’s talent management strategy discussions. Companies have to keep a firm grip on the public’s perception. With websites like Glassdoor® and Indeed®, not to mention social media sites like Facebook® and Twitter®, candidates can “take to the streets” to voice their approval [...]

Professionalism in Allied Health (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Professionalism in Allied Health (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course will benefit anyone considering a career in allied health, as well as those already working the field. Allied Health Professionals must be committed to the key attributes of professionalism and strive to reflect this within the delivery of patient-centered, safe, and effective care. “Professionalism” is a broad [...]

Feedback Loops: Team Feedback (Coursera)

Giving and getting individual feedback is one thing. But the dynamics are different when the feedback involves an entire team. Big teams, small teams, remote teams—this course will help you develop effective feedback systems for them all.

University Studies for Student Veterans (Coursera)

The skills you learned in the military will go a long way toward helping you succeed in college, but if you’re looking for some extra support – or an academic tune-up – then you’ll find it in this course. We know that the culture of higher education is different [...]

Strategic Thinking (Coursera)

Planning will get you far, but only if you know what you’re planning for. To think strategically, you need to analyze insights and evaluate possible scenarios before building that strategy. It’s possible to eliminate some uncertainties and identify trends, but you need the right process. You’ll have to gain [...]

Information Gathering and Vetting (Coursera)

Information is key to every decision and every strategic move you make. But ensuring you have the right information takes work. Don’t look in every direction for an answer, and don’t force the solution you’re looking for. Instead, you can use a hypothesis and test it with data until [...]

Perspective-Taking (Coursera)

You can plan what you want to accomplish, but other people will always be a factor. Planning for the actions of others can’t be taken lightly. You need to understand what people want, but you also need to have your influence on the conversation. Ultimately, you can use this [...]

Futures Thinking (Coursera)

You can’t always know what’s coming, but you can imagine it. You have the ability to embrace new ideas and stay hopeful about the future. That’s what futures thinking is all about. By exiting your default frame and asking the right questions, you can start to imagine new scenarios [...]

Church Administration Theology and Time Management (Coursera)

As church pastors and leaders, how should you manage Christian church administration? Shouldn’t Christian theology matter in church administration? If so, how? At the same time, how should you utilize management principles and techniques to make your church a more faithful church, rather than turning it into a secular [...]

Feedback Loops: Horizontal Feedback (Coursera)

What’s the best way to give and get feedback from a coworker? How about from a classmate, teammate, or friend? These and other horizontal feedback opportunities can sometimes cause a lot of anxiety, jealousy, bitterness, and misinformation. This course will help you avoid those pitfalls and turn peer feedback [...]