Personal and Professional Development

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Decision-Making (Coursera)

Do you want to more effectively handle complex challenges? In this Decision-making specialization, learn how to solve problems, make decisions and think creatively to tackle your problems head-on with decisive action!

Building Relationships with Communication (Coursera)

Do you struggle to relate to others outside the scope of work? Do you need to learn to express compassion for your teammates and appreciate them as people? Learn these skills and more from the Building Relationships with Communication course!

Tech Support Career Guide and Interview Preparation (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Tech Support Career Guide and Interview Preparation (Coursera)
Free Course
This course is designed to prepare you to enter the job market as a technical support specialist. It provides guidance about the regular functions and tasks of support professionals and options for career development. It explains practical techniques for creating essential job-seeking materials such as a resume and a [...]

Data Engineering Career Guide and Interview Preparation (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Data Engineering Career Guide and Interview Preparation (Coursera)
Free Course
This course is designed to prepare you to enter the job market as a data engineer. It provides guidance about the regular functions and tasks of data engineers and their place in the data ecosystem, as well as the opportunities of the profession and some options for career development. [...]

Storying the Self: How Stories Shape our Identities (Coursera)

Explore how artists have come to understand their identities over time, through creative media and scholarly discussions. You will connect with your own sources of creative inspiration, and revisit a major moment in your life that has shaped who you are and how you understand yourself, with the invitation [...]

Storying the Self: (Re)Claiming our Voices (Coursera)

Engage with lived experiences and identities that have often been denied a public voice. Consider the nuanced contexts of race, gender, class, language, ability, and how these impact your position as a leader and creator. You’ll question what it means to reclaim your narrative of yourself and to engage [...]

Storying the Self: Telling our Stories (Coursera)

Ask for and give constructive feedback on your work, and consider venues for sharing your stories as both a leader and creator. In leadership contexts, this translates to authentic purpose, vision, and values. You’ll engage with a creative assignment with the intention of creating and polishing a story from [...]


A group of seven European partners from Catalonia, Belgium, and Wales worked together on the Erasmus+ funded ‘Think Global’ project on global competence. The project seeks to address the following research question through development and piloting of practical classroom activities: What is global competence, and how can it be [...]

Pensamento Crítico, Lógica e Argumentação (Coursera)

Depois de concluir este curso, o aluno estará equipado com ferramentas para analisar a validade e a força de todos os tipos de declarações e argumentos, de propaganda a artigos de opinião na política e na mídia, veredictos de tribunais e debate geral.

Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Access Essentials (Coursera)

This is a four-module course that guides you through some fundamental concepts of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access, with the goal of emerging as a change agent using your spheres of influence to create more intentionally inclusive, diverse, equitable, and accessible environments. These modules include activities, various forms of [...]