Languages & Literature

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Leer a Macondo: la obra de Gabriel García Márquez (Coursera)

A través de este curso usted podrá identificar los aportes narrativos del escritor colombiano Gabriel García Márquez a la literatura universal y logrará entender por qué Gabriel García Márquez es considerado uno de los autores más brillantes en lengua castellana.

Perfect Tenses and Modals (Coursera)

This is the first course in the Learn English: Intermediate Writing specialization. In this course, you will learn about important intermediate verb tenses, including present perfect, present perfect progressive, past perfect, and past perfect progressive. You will also learn about common modal verbs used in English. This course is [...]

Inglés Empresarial: Finanza y Economía (Coursera)

Do you work in finance or interact with finance professionals? Is it necessary to speak, write or understand English in your career? Follow the authentic characters in this course as they work through common business situations in finance and economics. Learn from your successes and failure, and think critically [...]

Advanced Writing (Coursera)

Advanced Writing. This is the third course in the Academic English: Writing specialization. By raising your level of academic writing, this course helps prepare you for college-level work. After completing this course, you will be able to: plan and write a more sophisticated argument essay; identify plagiarism and explain [...]

Chino básico: La etiqueta social en los negocios (Coursera)

El segundo curso del Programa Especializado Chino básico para hispanohablantes: lenguaje y cultura empresarial tiene un enfoque en el lenguaje que se puede usar en posibles situaciones profesionales. Antes de aprender este lenguaje, se repasará la información aprendida el en curso anterior. Para poder entender bien el contenido de [...]

Business English: Networking (Coursera)

This course begins with a welcome message and an overview of the Specialization. After this introduction, you will be asked to take a proficiency test to see if this course is right for you. During the course, you will begin learning vocabulary and customs related to socializing and networking [...]

Successful Interviewing (Coursera)

The goal of hiring managers is not just to hire people who need a job. It’s to hire people who believe in their organization, its mission and the work that’s involved in the job position. Every hiring manager knows: Hire people to do a job and they’ll work for [...]

Business English: Basics (Coursera)

This course aims to improve your Business English language skills by developing your vocabulary and reading skills and your understanding of tone, style and knowledge of communication methods. We'll also cover how these language skills can enhance audience analysis, business case analysis and basic business communication strategies. [...]

Creative Writing: The Craft of Plot (Coursera)

In this course aspiring writers will be introduced to perhaps the most elemental and often the most challenging element of story: plot. We will learn what keeps it moving, how it manipulates our feelings, expectations, and desires. We will examine the choices storytellers make to snag our [...]

Creative Writing: The Craft of Setting and Description (Coursera)

In this course aspiring writers will be introduced to the techniques that masters of fiction use to ground a story in a concrete world. From the most realist settings to the most fantastical, writers will learn how to describe the physical world in sharp, sensory detail. We [...]