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Perspectives from the Stage: Actors Discuss Romeo and Juliet (Coursera)

This course is meant for anyone who is reading Romeo & Juliet and would like to hear the perspectives of professional actors who have performed in the play. This course primarily consists of interviews with 14 professional actors who have performed in at least one production of Romeo [...]

Physical Theatre: Exploring the Slap (FutureLearn)

Jan 6th 2025
Physical Theatre: Exploring the Slap (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn about Meyerhold’s form of physical theatre, biomechanics, and understand and perform ‘The Slap’. This course introduces you to world-renowned Russian director Meyerhold’s technique of biomechanics. It invites you to study and experience first-hand his revolutionary biomechanical étude, ‘The [...]

Richard Schechner's Introduction to Performance Studies (Coursera)

Performance Studies: An Introduction explores the wide world of performance--from theatre, dance, and music to ritual, play, political campaigns, social media, and the performances of everyday life. Performance studies also ranges across cultures--Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, the Americas. And it spans historical periods from the art of the [...]

Creating Audio Description: Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (FutureLearn)

Explore how to design and create audio descriptions and audio introductions that fully represent a film, play, or TV programme. Design inclusive audio descriptions for film, theatre, and TV Audio description (AD) is a key means by which the full diversity of a programme, film, or live performance can be [...]

18e siècle : le combat des Lumières (FUN)

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18e siècle : le combat des Lumières (FUN)
Free Course
Ce cours porte sur l’histoire de la littérature et des idées du 18e siècle français. Il vise à présenter l’ensemble du siècle, les œuvres et les auteurs aussi bien que les combats d’idées qui traversent les Lumières. L’accent sera mis sur les « grands auteurs » (Montesquieu, Prévost, Marivaux, [...]

Physical Theatre: Meyerhold and Biomechanics (FutureLearn)

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Physical Theatre: Meyerhold and Biomechanics (FutureLearn)
Free Course
Learn how to practice Meyerhold’s biomechanics and study its place in the history of physical theatre.

Almeida Garrett e o Teatro do seu Tempo (UAb)

Conheça a personalidade política do grande escritor português Almeida Garrett e explore a dimensão histórica da peça Frei Luis de Sousa.

À la découverte du théâtre classique français -Tome 2 (edX)

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À la découverte du théâtre classique français -Tome 2 (edX)
Free Course
Tout ce qu’on doit savoir sur le théâtre français du 17e siècle pour pleinement apprécier les chefs-d’œuvre de Molière, de Corneille et de Racine. Le théâtre classique du 17e siècle passe pour le sommet de l’art du théâtre en France. Ses trois représentants les plus connus, Corneille et Racine [...]

Shakespeare on the Page and in Performance: Young Love (edX)

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Shakespeare on the Page and in Performance: Young Love (edX)
Course Auditing
Explore Shakespeare's plays of young love, Romeo & Juliet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, to learn what makes them so compelling and magical. This literature and theater course will delve into two wonderful plays of young love, Romeo & Juliet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and try to bring [...]