Quantitative Methods

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Quantitative Methods (Coursera)

Discover the principles of solid scientific methods in the behavioral and social sciences. Join us and learn to separate sloppy science from solid research! This course will cover the fundamental principles of science, some history and philosophy of science, research designs, measurement, sampling and ethics. The course is comparable [...]

Quantitative Methods in Finance (Coursera)

Program covers the time value of money concepts and quantitative techniques applied in decision-making process in corporate finance and valuation of various financial instruments (stocks, bonds etc.). The program is based on Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) curriculum.

Segment your market using factor analysis with R programming (Coursera)

If you ever thought of starting a new business or launching a new product, you’d probably already asked yourself: which type of products are the customers ordering? What type of competition are the products facing in this market? To answer these questions objectively, you can apply Factor Analysis to [...]

Level 6 Diploma in Social Sciences (LIBS)

This Level 6 Diploma in Social Sciences is a tuition-free 120 credit programme. The programme is fast track, which can be completed online including the final exam. The self-paced mode allows participants to set their own learning schedule without any restrictions.