Management of Multinational and Cross-Cultural Teams Specialization

In this Specialization, you will learn the essential skills to work in and manage multinational and cross-cultural teams. You will learn from organizational consultants and UC Davis MBA alumni Cleveland Justis and Daniel Student, who have studied, led, and advised cross-cultural teams from a variety of sectors. They will share best practices, research, and tools, as well as first-person narratives from a variety of global leaders. You will learn how to navigate cultural differences in approaches to accomplishing work that can trip up your team, how to take advantage of the rising opportunities and mitigate the new challenges brought on by virtual multinational collaboration, and how to rise as a cross-cultural leader.

What You Will Learn:
- Explain the concept of culture, how it affects your approach to work, & the opportunities and challenges in multinational and cross-cultural teams.
- Recognize your communication style and understand the role culture plays in communication, co-create a new team "language" through collaboration.
- Impact cross-cultural communication between in-person and virtual spaces; thinking about time zones, video conferences, & text based interactions.
- Explore different models of leadership and understand how the cultural differences in what is expected of leaders affect team performance.

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Cross-Cultural Communication and Management (Coursera)

Communication is much more than the words you say. And cultural communication is much more than just the language you speak. What you say is never interpreted exactly as you meant it and what you hear is never what was meant by what was said. When you mix in [...]

Cross-Cultural Virtual Spaces and Teams (Coursera)

Airplanes gave us the ability to travel across oceans to visit international team members. But virtual spaces are now bringing us together in an instant. New rules have been written, and as work-from-home is on the rise, re-written, and they bring their own unique cross-cultural challenges. We’ll discuss communication [...]

Introduction to Multinational and Cross-Cultural Teams (Coursera)

Do you (or do you want to) work on a multinational team? Do you want to become a manager or improve your current management style to get better results? Are you unsure if culture is impacting your ability to communicate and collaborate? If you answered yes to any of [...]

Leadership in Multinational, Cross-Cultural Teams (Coursera)

Whether you are currently a manager or not, you should now be ready to learn to play a leadership role in a multinational team. Leadership is more than management, and culture greatly affects what is expected of leaders. For instance, some cultures expect their leaders to give directives; [...]