Life Quality

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Tools and Techniques for Managing Stress (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
Tools and Techniques for Managing Stress (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Welcome to the "Tools and Techniques for Managing Stress" course! This course offers valuable tools and techniques to effectively manage and cope with stress in both personal and professional domains. Through this program, students will acquire strategies to identify stressors, develop comprehensive stress management plans, and implement relaxation [...]

Psicología de la salud (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
Psicología de la salud (Coursera)
Course Auditing
En este curso aprenderás los fundamentos conceptuales de la Psicología de la Salud. Comenzaremos con los antecedentes históricos acerca del estudio de los componentes subjetivos y de comportamiento en el proceso salud-enfermedad y de la atención de la salud. Además, se conocerán los factores psicosociales relacionados en la calidad [...]

Quality of Life Studies and Public Policy (FutureLearn)

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Quality of Life Studies and Public Policy (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Gain an insight into the relationship between public policy and quality of life with the Universidad de Palermo. Learn about the relationship between quality of life and public policy. This comprehensive four-week course from the Universidad de Palermo will give you the chance to reflect on the concepts of [...]

The Path to Happiness and Good Quality of Life (FutureLearn)

Available Now
The Path to Happiness and Good Quality of Life (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
What is happiness? Explore the concept of happiness and consider the things that influence your own happiness and quality of life. Discover happiness concepts that will improve your quality of life. Do you feel happy? What do you think about the quality of your life?