Computer Networks

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Network Security Support Fundamentals (Coursera)

Explore network security with the Network Security Support Fundamentals online course. Designed to offer a comprehensive understanding of network security, this course is crucial in today's digital world. By the end of this course, you will be able to describe the role of enterprise networks, explain enterprise network security [...]

Network Support Fundamentals (Coursera)

Mar 18th 2024
Network Support Fundamentals (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Dive into the realm of network support with the Network Support Fundamentals course. This online course is meticulously designed to introduce you to the essential skills needed for supporting enterprise networks - one of the most in-demand skill sets in the digital landscape. By the end of this course [...]

An Introduction to Computer Networking for Teachers (edX)

Self Paced
An Introduction to Computer Networking for Teachers (edX)
Course Auditing
Build your knowledge and understanding of computer networks as a computer science teacher. Explore the fundamentals of computer networking with this online course for teachers. You will improve your understanding of key concepts and gain the confidence to teach the subject in the classroom.

Networking and Storage Essentials (edX)

Self Paced
Networking and Storage Essentials (edX)
Course Auditing
Become proficient in the fundamentals of computer networking and storage and gain the skills to diagnose, repair and maintain computer networks and storage. Organizations require fast, efficient, and secure networks to compete in today’s global business world. Technical Support professionals are in high demand to meet organizations’ expanding needs [...]

An Introduction to Computer Networking for Teachers (FutureLearn)

Build your knowledge and understanding of computer networks as a computer science teacher. Learn how you can create connections with computers. Explore the fundamentals of computer networking with this online course for GCSE teachers. You will improve your understanding of key concepts and gain the confidence to teach the [...]

Redes de computadores (edX)

Aprende los fundamentos de las redes de computadores, incluyendo su arquitectura, protocolos y los aspectos a considerar para hacerlas seguras. Las redes de computadores, o renombradas hoy en día como Networks of Things , son esenciales para soportar los servicios de Internet que usamos a diario, dado que soportan [...]

Network and Security Foundations (edX)

This course introduces the components of a computer network and the concept and role of communication protocols. The course covers widely used categorical classifications of networks, as well as network topologies, physical devices, and layered abstraction. The course also introduces basic concepts of security, covering vulnerabilities of networks and [...]

A Half Century of Internet: How it works today (openHPI)

Self Paced
A Half Century of Internet: How it works today (openHPI)
Free Course
The Internet connects more than half of the world's population. This revolutionary form of transmitting all kinds of data between places on the planet has made the network of networks the indispensable backbone of societies. The number of users has exploded to four billion people. The speed of change [...]