UI/UX: You already know more than you think (Skillshare)

UI/UX: You already know more than you think (Skillshare)
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UI/UX: You already know more than you think (Skillshare)
Have you ever given thought to who your audience is for a specific project? Tried to make your piece as user-friendly as possible? Done a dry run on how someone interacts with your book/brochure/website? Tried to establish the most effective hierarchy for the information you’re conveying? Then you’ve already done interface and experience design.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

This class is an introductory class for anyone who has done at least a bit of graphic design. You’ll be introduced to UI/UX design, as well as design thinking and human-centered design. Then you’ll get your feet wet with a blog design project.

Design either of these new blogs:

1) a travel blog, “Take Off” (intended audience is urban professionals 20’s & 30’s)

2) a coffee blog, “Coffee World” (intended audience is mainly women 30’s & 40’s)

Once you’ve made your choice, you’ll need to design:

1) a homepage (showcasing featured article)

2) an article page

Both pages must contain:

1) Branding

2) Search field

3) Mailing list sign up

4) Facebook/Instagram/Twitter links

You’ll be creating lo-res wireframes, then prototypes.

The page must be responsive, so please include desktop and mobile versions. You can create these however you wish!

Use Google Fonts for the typography in the prototype, and feel free (for headings and subheadings) to use dummy text for the article text.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Free Course

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.