Introduction to Systematic Program Design - Part I (Coursera)

Introduction to Systematic Program Design - Part I (Coursera)
Free Course
No prior programming experience is assumed, and only a grade school math background is required.
Introduction to Systematic Program Design - Part I (Coursera)
This course is about learning to program well: building programs that are elegant, well tested and easy to maintain. The course is intended for students with no programming experience, but many former students who already knew how to program have said it made them better programmers.

Phones, diesel engines, animated newspapers, medical devices, games, political campaigns, medical research, mining, transportation systems, ... and so on, and on, and on... every day more of the world around us is at least partly run by computer programs. This means that being able to design programs - or at least be able to work with people who design programs - is becoming a more and more valuable skill.

To build your own programs you need to know two things: how to use the specific programming language and libraries needed, and the more general skill of how to design a program.

This course presents a design method that will enable you to approach the design of complex programs systematically. The method will work for programs in this course as well as hard to design programs you develop in the future.

Free Course
No prior programming experience is assumed, and only a grade school math background is required.