Measure What Matters

What Matters was founded by John Doerr after the publication of Measure What Matters. The website’s mission is to galvanize leaders to set and achieve audacious goals.
We define leaders not by title, rank, or pay grade, but by how they show up. Since our inception, our team has sought to be a resource for those who seek to set and achieve challenging, ambitious goals with measurable results. We activate our mission through: Inspiration. Through stories about triumph and failure and moments in between, we provoke leaders to think deeply about what really matters and to aspire to new heights. Education. We equip leaders with an understanding of how to bridge knowledge and action, helping them deploy their teams and organizations to drive profound change. Application. We provide the ways and means for leaders to advocate for and use the OKR framework for maximum impact.

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OKR Certification: Leadership and Goal Setting (Coursera)

“Ideas are easy. Execution is everything.” -John Doerr. In this one-of-a-kind OKR Certification, John Doerr builds on his New York Times best-selling book, Measure What Matters. The chairman of the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins, Doerr reveals how the goal-setting system of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) can lead [...]