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Análisis de datos empresariales con R (edX)

Analiza los datos con R y R Studio aplicando nuevas técnicas para tomar decisiones orientadas a los negocios, contemplando información de diversas variables simultáneamente y sé parte de la transformación empresarial. Si tomas decisiones en tu empresa o deseas involucrarte en la ciencia de datos y el uso de [...]

Introduction to Text Mining with R (Coursera)

This course gives you access to the text mining techniques that are used by top data scientists from all over the world. Since most information available online in the form of text, knowing when and how to use these techniques, algorithms and models will not only give you an [...]

Analysing WhatsApp Chat Data (Coursera)

In this Project, we discuss how to analyse the data available from WhatsApp. We will use R Programming to analyse the data. Data from WhatsApp can be exported from the phone one is using. This technique can be gathered from many sources including YouTube. Due to limitations of this [...]

Programming for Everyone : Programming Foundations (Coursera)

Feb 28th 2022
Programming for Everyone : Programming Foundations (Coursera)
Free Course
This guided project is the first project in the "Programming for Everyone" series. It aims to teach programming foundations. Programming foundations are taught using the R Programming language. The foundations so built in this guided project can be used to build a fun Web App using the R Programming [...]

R Programming Basics for Data Science (edX)

Self Paced
R Programming Basics for Data Science (edX)
Course Auditing
This course introduces you to R language fundamentals and covers common data structures, programming techniques, and how to manipulate data all with the help of the R programming language. The R language plays a critical role in data analysis and a common programming language when working in the field [...]