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Fundamentals of Data Analytics in the Public Sector with R (Coursera)

Gain a foundational understanding of key terms and concepts in public administration and public policy while learning foundational programming techniques using the R programming language. You will learn how to execute functions to load, select, filter, mutate, and summarize data frames using the tidyverse libraries with an emphasis on [...]

Introduction to R Programming and Tidyverse (Coursera)

This course is a gentle introduction to programming in R designed for 3 types of learners. It will be right for you, if: you want to do data analysis but don’t know programming; you know programming but aren’t familiar with R; you know some R programming but want to [...]

Visualizing Data & Communicating Results in R with RStudio (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Visualizing Data & Communicating Results in R with RStudio (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Code and run your first R program in minutes without installing anything! This course is designed for learners with limited coding experience, providing foundational knowledge of data visualizations and R Markdown. The modules in this course cover different types of visualization models such as bar charts, histograms, and heat [...]

Data Analysis in R with RStudio & Tidyverse (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Data Analysis in R with RStudio & Tidyverse (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Code and run your first R program in minutes without installing anything! This course is designed for learners with no prior coding experience, providing foundational knowledge of data analysis in R. The modules in this course cover descriptive statistics, importing and wrangling data, and using statistical tests to compare [...]

Tools for Exploratory Data Analysis in Business (Coursera)

This course introduces several tools for processing business data to obtain actionable insight. The most important tool is the mind of the data analyst. Accordingly, in this course, you will explore what it means to have an analytic mindset. You will also practice identifying business problems that can be [...]

Tools for Data Science (Coursera)

What are some of the most popular data science tools, how do you use them, and what are their features? In this course, you'll learn about Jupyter Notebooks, RStudio IDE, Apache Zeppelin and Data Science Experience. You will learn about what each tool is used for, what programming languages [...]

Introduction to Business Analytics with R (Coursera)

Nearly every aspect of business is affected by data analytics. There are many powerful tools that can quickly process large amounts of data. For businesses to capitalize on data analytics, they need leaders who understand the data analytic process. Even more valuable are leaders who know how to analyze [...]

Reproducible Templates for Analysis and Dissemination (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Reproducible Templates for Analysis and Dissemination (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course will assist you with recreating work that a previous coworker completed, revisiting a project you abandoned some time ago, or simply reproducing a document with a consistent format and workflow. Incomplete information about how the work was done, where the files are, and which is the most [...]

Introducción a Data Science: Programación Estadística con R (Coursera)

Este curso te proporcionará las bases del lenguaje de programación estadística R, la lengua franca de la estadística, el cual te permitirá escribir programas que lean, manipulen y analicen datos cuantitativos. Te explicaremos la instalación del lenguaje; también verás una introducción a los sistemas base de gráficos y al [...]

Introduction to Probability and Data with R (Coursera)

This course introduces you to sampling and exploring data, as well as basic probability theory and Bayes' rule. You will examine various types of sampling methods, and discuss how such methods can impact the scope of inference. A variety of exploratory data analysis techniques will be covered, including numeric [...]