Public Library

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Strategic Planning for Public Libraries (edX)

Learn how to develop, implement, and adapt a strategic plan to fit the needs of your library. Strategic planning is a strategy for setting an organization’s goals, vision, and desired future. You’ll learn how library leaders, in partnership with trustees, library boards, and/or municipal leadership, use strategic planning to [...]

Identifying Community Needs for Public Library Management (edX)

Learn how to conduct research, surveys, and interviews as well as how to analyze data to better assess the local needs and wants of a public library community. Public libraries are becoming dynamic hubs for learning, civic engagement, and community. This course will discuss strategies for gathering statistical and [...]

Managing a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace for Public Libraries (edX)

Learn management skills to support workplace diversity and inclusion in a public library setting. You will learn about theories and frameworks that explain the underlying mechanisms of the impacts of diversity and learn how to understand and address the needs of women and underrepresented minorities (e.g. race, color, national [...]