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The Finite Element Method for Problems in Physics (Coursera)

This course is an introduction to the finite element method as applicable to a range of problems in physics and engineering sciences. The treatment is mathematical, but only for the purpose of clarifying the formulation. The emphasis is on coding up the formulations in a modern, open-source environment that [...]

普通物理學 - 電磁學、光學及近代物理 (Coursera)


电磁学上——恒定电场 (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
电磁学上——恒定电场 (Coursera)
Course Auditing

The Discovery of the Higgs Boson (Coursera)

The discovery of a new fundamental particle at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), CERN is the latest step in a long quest seeking to answer one of physics’ most enduring questions: why do particles have mass? The experiments’ much anticipated success confirms predictions made decades earlier by Peter Higgs [...]

Understanding Modern Physics II: Quantum Mechanics and Atoms (Coursera)

The 20th century was known as the century of physics. In the past 120 years, concepts such as space, time, energy, entropy and particles were understood to much deeper levels. New paradigms of thinking such as relativity and quantum mechanics emerged. This course is the second course in the [...]

Understanding Modern Physics I: Relativity and Cosmology (Coursera)

The 20th century was known as the century of physics. In the past 120 years, concepts such as space, time, energy, entropy and particles were understood to much deeper levels. New paradigms of thinking such as relativity and quantum mechanics emerged. This course is the first course in the [...]

Physics of silicon solar cells (Coursera)

The first MOOC “Photovoltaic solar energy” is a general presentation of the solar photovoltaics technologies in the global energetic context, without extensive details. In particular the description of the solar cell operation is restricted to the ideal case. In contrast this second MOOC allows a deep understanding of the [...]

Introduction to Particle Accelerators (NPAP MOOC) (Coursera)

Welcome to the Nordic Particle Accelerator Program's (NPAP) Massive Open Online Courses and to the fascinating world of particle accelerators! Did you know that in the year of 2000 there were more than 15 000 particle accelerators in the world? Yet, today it has grown to more than 30 [...]

Electrodynamics: An Introduction (Coursera)

The depth and breadth of electromagnetism, the foundation for many fields including materials science, electrical engineering, and physical chemistry, requires a long, steep, and steady learning curve. This course aims to bridge the gap between the fundamental principles taught in electromagnetism and its practical application to specific fields such [...]