IBM AI Developer Professional Certificate

Kickstart your career in artificial intelligence. Build job-ready skills in AI technologies, generative AI models, and programming and learn to build AI-powered chatbots and apps in just 6 months
What you'll learn:
- Job-ready AI skills in just 6 months, plus practical experience and an industry-recognized certification employers are actively looking for
- The fundamental concepts, key terms, building blocks, and applications of AI, encompassing generative AI
- How to build generative AI-powered apps and chatbots using various programming frameworks and AI technologies
- How to use Python and Flask to develop and deploy AI applications on the web

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Building Generative AI-Powered Applications with Python (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Building Generative AI-Powered Applications with Python (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Ready for an interactive learning experience to develop applications and chatbots for diverse use cases using generative AI? This course provides an opportunity to work on guided projects that provide step-by-step instructions to build generative AI-powered applications. You'll utilize Python, along with related libraries like Flask and Gradio, and [...]
Apr 29th 2024
Course Auditing
45.00 EUR/month