Clinical Psychology

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Introduction to Clinical Psychology (edX)

Learn about the principles underlying psychological therapy and the features and treatment of common mental disorders, including anxiety, depression and schizophrenia. Have you ever wondered what causes mental illness, or why we react to stress the way we do? Or what to expect as you get older? Clinical psychology [...]

Psychotherapy (

Legacy Course
Psychotherapy (
Free Course
Psychotherapy refers to the practices clinical psychologists use to treat mental disorders. While “therapy” can denote any intervention undertaken with the goal of healing someone (including medicinal treatments for physical problems), psychotherapy is specific in that it uses certain cognitive, behavioral, and emotional regulation techniques. Based on pop culture [...]

Clinical Psychology (

Legacy Course
Clinical Psychology (
Free Course
This course will cover the basic concepts of clinical psychology, or the study of diagnosing, treating, and understanding abnormal and maladaptive behaviors. We frequently refer to these behaviors—which include depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia—as mental diseases or disorders.