Simon Fokt

Simon Fokt is a philosopher and learning technologist based at the University of Edinburgh. He graduated with a PhD from University of St Andrews and holds two Masters degrees from St Andrews (philosophy) and Adam Mickiewicz University (culture studies). Simon divides his time between academic research and design and support of online teaching. His research focuses on Aesthetics and Applied Ethics, while his teaching design and support work centeres around online Masters degrees, a number of MOOCs, and various knowledge exchange projects. He developed and currently manages an online resource devoted to promoting equality and diversity in the academia: the Diversity Reading List. He is also engaged in promoting aesthetics scholarship by co-running the Scottish Aesthetics Forum. Outside the Academia, Simon is a semi-professional double bass player - he played in a number of classical ensembles, jazz, folk and rock bands. He also enjoys backpacking, acrobatics, and crafting in wood and leather.

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Know Thyself - The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge: The Examined Life (Coursera)

According to legend, inscribed on walls of the temple on the sacred site of Delphi in Ancient Greece were two premier injunctions: NOTHING IN EXCESS, and KNOW THYSELF. This course will be an examination of the latter injunction in an effort to discover what self-knowledge is, why it might [...]

Data Ethics, AI and Responsible Innovation (edX)

Our future is here and it relies on data. Predictive policing, medical robots, smart homes and cities, artificial intelligences - we can all think about how any of those could go wrong. Discover how we can build a future where they are done right.