Ron Duren

Ron Duren Jr Teaching Assistant Professor Lockheed Martin Engineering Management Program College of Engineering and Applied Science

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The Neuroscience of Leading High-Performance Teams (Coursera)

In a demanding business world, team performance matters. At a time in history when teams are less engaged and more unmotivated than ever before, this course we will help give you the competitive edge you are looking for. What if your teams were more motivated and engaged? What if [...]

The Neuroscience of Leading Transformational Organizations (Coursera)

Organizations need to stay on the cutting edge of human performance to remain relevant, now and in the future. The way we've led the people in our organizations in the past is no longer sufficient for success. The landscape of human capital is changing, and a more human-centered approach [...]

The Neuroscience of Personal Excellence (Coursera)

Many of us struggle to understand our actions and behavior in any given situation. Especially when pressure and stress are highest. What if we could make better decisions, create healthy habits more easily, regulate our emotions, become more mentally tough and perform well under pressure? There are certain defining [...]

Leading Oneself with Self-Knowledge (Coursera)

Before we can lead others well, we must first learn to lead ourselves well. Knowing thyself is the starting point on this journey. In this course, you will come to understand the importance of three forms of awareness, craft a personal identity, gain understanding of how you work best, [...]

Leading Oneself with Purpose and Meaning (Coursera)

Before we can lead others well, we must first learn to lead ourselves well. Knowing your why is an important part of this journey. In this course, you will identify your core purpose and recognize meaning in your life, explore the power of spirituality and embracing our mortality, create [...]

Leading Oneself with Personal Excellence (Coursera)

Before we can lead others well, we must first learn to lead ourselves well. Knowing personal excellence is the culmination of this journey. In this course, you will describe how and why to set goals and create action plans, increase your focus and reduce distraction, harness motivation and flow [...]