Andrea Herrera Suescún

I am from Bogotá, Colombia. I am systems and computer engineer and also have a MSc. degree in systems and computer engineering from the Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia). After working for some years at the Central Bank of Colombia, where I learned a lot about the role of information and communications technologies (ICT) in business continuity, I decided to do a PhD. During my PhD, at the University of Auckland (New Zealand), I not only learnt and grew as a professional, but I consider it as one of the best times in my life. My goal as an information systems researcher is to explore issues related to the management and reliable use of ICT in organizations. My research encloses main areas such as ICT resilience and ICT services supply chains. It also covers in-exploration areas, specifically, the role of ICT in making supply chains more resilient by fostering a collective learning, in a global economic environment increasingly complex. Currently, I teach the Introduction to Programming course at the university and collaborate with the coordination team in the development of the material, as well as in the design and implementation of innovative learning and evaluation strategies. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación

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Programación en Python (Coursera)

¡Te damos la bienvenida al curso de Programación en Python de la Universidad de los Andes! El propósito de este curso es ofrecerte un ambiente interactivo para que desarrolles tus habilidades de pensamiento computacional, aprendas a programar en el lenguaje Python y te entrenes en la resolución de problemas [...]