Aaron Heckmann

Aaron Heckmann is currently a Node.js engineer and evangelist at 10gen. Previously, he was employed at LearnBoost, a leader in Node.js open source development, where he spent his days working on every aspect of their product and much of his free time working on Mongoose, a popular MongoDB ODM.
Aaron is the maintainer of Mongoose, the MongoDB object-document modeler and an active member of the Node.js community. He also authored express-mongoose, mongoose-keywords, mongoose-ttl, and others such as gm, gleak, node-ses, and has been a significant contributor to projects such as Express and the node-mongodb-native MongoDB driver.
More info here.

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SAP S/4HANA in a Nutshell (openSAP)

Self Paced
SAP S/4HANA in a Nutshell (openSAP)
Free Course
SAP S/4HANA is SAP’s next generation business suite designed to help you run simple in a digital and networked world. 
This new suite is built on our advanced in-memory platform, SAP HANA, and offers a personalized user experience with SAP Fiori. 
Deployable in the cloud or on-premise, SAP S/4HANA is built [...]