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An Introduction to American Law (Coursera)

This course will give you a glimpse into six different areas of American law: Tort Law, Contract Law, Property, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, and Civil Procedure. You will gain insight into the complexities and dilemmas that arise from the application of law in different settings, and what is distinctive [...]

America's Written Constitution (Coursera)

An introduction to the main themes of the American Constitution—popular sovereignty, separation of powers, federalism, and rights.

Understanding Europe: Why It Matters and What It Can Offer You (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Understanding Europe: Why It Matters and What It Can Offer You (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Regardless of where you live, the European Union not only affects your life, but may also transform it. By learning how Europe works, a new world will open up to you and discover new jobs you never heard of. The European Union has a large, yet often unnoticed, impact [...]

Climate Change and Human Rights (Coursera)

Apr 8th 2024
Climate Change and Human Rights (Coursera)
Free Course
This course is primarily aimed at anyone interested in learning about the growing field of climate change and human rights. It will discuss the history of the field, key actors and cases, as well as emerging trends and takeaways.

Digital Governance (Coursera)

Apr 8th 2024
Digital Governance (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, autonomous cars, chatbots, just a few terms that have become a part of our professional legal and political vocabulary. Emerging technologies and technological advancement have confronted us in our daily practice and will continue to do so in the future. Whether we’re buying [...]

Cross-border road transport in EU law context (Coursera)

Apr 8th 2024
Cross-border road transport in EU law context (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Have you ever wondered which legal rules are applicable to cross-border EU road transport? Are you interested in the issues revolving around EU employment law in the international road transport sector? Then, on behalf of the University of Antwerp, Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Gdańsk, University of Luxembourg and [...]

International Water Law (Coursera)

In recent decades, international law has undergone a series of major developments in order to accommodate the many new facets of freshwater management and protection. The adoption of universal, regional and basin instruments highlights how important it is to study the evolution of international water regulations and to be [...]

International Law in Action: the Arbitration of International Disputes (Coursera)

‘The Arbitration of International Disputes’ is the third course of Leiden University’s series on International Law in Action. The first course covered generalities on the international courts and tribunals in The Hague, while the second course provided an insider's perspective into the work of international criminal courts [...]

Gestion et Politique de l'eau (Coursera)

Apr 8th 2024
Gestion et Politique de l'eau (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Aujourd’hui la gestion de l’eau se trouve confrontée à de nouveaux défis tels que le changement climatique ou les conséquences des activités anthropiques. Les acteurs publics ou privés dans ce domaine doivent développer de nouvelles compétences pour mieux gérer le cycle de l’eau « dans son ensemble ». [...]