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VITARA - Performance Management (edX)

This approximately 3-6 hour-long introductory course provides a solid understanding of the principles of performance management, and you will be equipped with practical tools and techniques to help you effectively manage performance in your tax administration.

VITARA - Compliance Risk Management (edX)

This self-paced course provides fundamental knowledge on modern Compliance Risk Management (CRM) good practices. The strategic goal of CRM is to steadily increase the level of voluntary compliance over time by identifying and prioritizing risks and implementing treatments to address the risks. In this module, you will learn how [...]

VITARA - Human Resource Management (edX)

This course provides fundamental knowledge on Human Resource Management matters within a tax administration including among others HRM strategy and its implementation, HRM organizational models, HRM functions and the key areas of an effective HRM system.

VITARA - Institutional Governance (edX)

This course introduces the internal and external governance frameworks for tax administrations. It covers topics such as the principles of accountability and transparency, governance safeguards, external oversight, internal controls, governance responsibilities for senior leaders in a tax administration as well as organizational considerations in the development and implementation of [...]

Virtual Training to Advance Revenue Administration (VITARA) - Organization (edX)

This course helps build knowledge and understanding of critical features in the organizational design of tax administrations. This course helps build knowledge and understanding of critical features in the organizational design of tax administrations.

VITARA - Reform Management Fundamentals: Setting up a Reform Program (edX)

Virtual Training to Advance Revenue Administration (VITARA) is a joint initiative of four international organisations: the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT), the Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations (IOTA), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [...]

VITARA - Reform Management Specific Topics: Managing A Reform Program (edX)

Virtual Training to Advance Revenue Administration (VITARA) is a joint initiative of four international organisations: the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT), the Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations (IOTA), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [...]

VITARA- Gestión estratégica (edX)

Si usted es un administrador tributarioque busca desarrollar sus capacidadeso simplemente ponerse al día con losúltimos avancesdela administración tributaria, ¡inscríbase en este módulo de los cursos VITARAx! Aprenda qué es la gestión estratégica en el contexto de una administración tributaria, cuáles son los desafíos comunes para los ejecutivos que [...]

VITARA – Management stratégique (edX)

Vous êtes cadre au sein d’une administration fiscale et vous souhaitez améliorer vos compétences ou tout simplement découvrir les dernières avancées en rapport avec la gestion d’une administration fiscale ? Alors ce module du cours VITARAx est fait pour vous ! Découvrez en quoi consiste le management stratégique d’une [...]