Sustainable Landscapes

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A Business Approach to Sustainable Landscape Restoration (Coursera)

Integrated landscape management and large-scale landscape restoration should be in every company’s business strategy because in order to reach the Sustainable Development Goal on Land Degradation Neutrality (SDG Number 15.3) scaling up and acceleration of business-driven landscape restoration is urgently [...]

Landscape Education for Transition (POK)

Take actions to identify, analyse and care the landscape around us! “Landscape Education for Transition” responds to a recommendation by the Council of the European Union, which encourages highlighting the significant role of education as a tool for achieving a green and sustainable transition. Furthermore, the MOOC proposes a [...]

Landscape Finance: Investing in Innovation for Sustainable Landscapes (edX)

Bridge the gap between finance and landscape! Learn to navigate the web of landscape financial flows, mechanisms and requirements toward developing cutting-edge business cases and models for sustainable development in landscapes. Landscape approaches call for innovative interventions that cut across sectors and scales. [...]

Landscape Leadership: Catalyse Sustainable Development in Landscapes (edX)

Learn how to become a landscape leader! Get the skills to mobilise human resources, manage and resolve conflict and facilitate and motivate stakeholders to achieve SDG-focused sustainable change. Achieving sustainable and productive landscapes and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) calls for bold and innovative leadership. Governments, the global private [...]

Landscape Ecology (edX)

Self Paced
Landscape Ecology (edX)
Course Auditing
This is the first MOOC to teach Landscape Ecology. Participants learn theory, methods and tools to understand the landscapes we live in and to solve landscape-related environmental problems.

Climate Action in Biodiverse Landscapes (edX)

There is no planet B. It's time to take effective climate action for which collaboration and innovation are key. This online course will boost your knowledge and skills to help you move from analysis to action in order to develop climate smart landscapes across the world. The question is [...]