Strategic Business

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Teoria dos Jogos: Da Teoria à Prática (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
Teoria dos Jogos: Da Teoria à Prática (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Teoria dos Jogos: Da Teoria à Prática. Neste curso, você aprenderá que a Teoria dos Jogos é um ramo da Economia que trata da análise da tomada de decisões quando todos os tomadores de decisões são presumivelmente racionais, e cada um procura prever as ações [...]

Global Financing Solutions (by EDHEC and Société Générale) (Coursera)

The MOOC Global Financing Solutions is your online gateway to better understanding of the dynamics of Finance, and its role at the very heart of promoting the “real economy” and global growth. Concretely, you will learn how companies finance themselves using banks and capital markets. We will look at [...]

Foundations of strategic business analytics (Coursera)

Who is this course for? This course is designed for students, business analysts, and data scientists who want to apply statistical knowledge and techniques to business contexts. For example, it may be suited to experienced statisticians, analysts, engineers who want to move more into a business role. You will [...]

Business Strategies for Emerging Markets (Coursera)

The course aims to transfer the fundamental knowledge and to form the basic competencies necessary for the development and the implementation of a business strategy in an emerging market. The students are going to improve their analyzing, decision making, and planning skills as well as the ability to recognize [...]