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Associate of Science in Business Studies (SoBaT)

The Associate of Science in Business Studies is a 90 credits programme intended to prepare students with a base in the approach and fundamentals of business studies in the present world and make a smooth progression into Bachelor of Science in Business Studies programme.

Antiquities Trafficking and Art Crime (FutureLearn)

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Antiquities Trafficking and Art Crime (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Delve into the seedy underbelly of the art world, looking at smuggling, theft, fakes, and fraud, with this free online course. From fakes and fraud, to thefts and trafficking, art crime has turned archaeological sites in Iraq and Syria into “lunar landscapes”, decapitated Buddha sculptures in Cambodia and left [...]

Food, the Connector of Life (CanopyLAB)

Without food, there would be no life. Without life, there would be no food. Is it a positive or negative loop? The answer makes the difference between eating for survival and eating to thrive. Learn how our decisions about how to feed ourselves continue to shape our culture, our [...]

The Lottery of Birth (FutureLearn)

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The Lottery of Birth (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Birth is a lottery. Find out how your life chances are influenced by where, when and to whom you are born. This online course will look at the big picture of the lottery of birth and the smaller, human stories. You will examine key inequalities, such as being born rich or poor, female or male.
No session available
Course Auditing
49.00 EUR

Master of Science in Business Studies (SoBaT)

The Master of Science in Business Studies is a 60 credits programme which develops core management skills. It covers a wide range of business and management aspects to promote career development and employability opportunities.

Introduction to Sociology (edX)

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Introduction to Sociology (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn how sociology applies to your everyday life and helps you better communicate and understand people and your environment.

Le racisme et l'antisémitisme (FUN)

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Le racisme et l'antisémitisme (FUN)
Free Course
Le racisme et l’antisémitisme sont des notions sujettes à bien des interprétations, analyses et discours. Elles nous sont familières, mais les difficultés surgissent dès qu’il s’agit de les définir avec précision. Ce Mooc propose d’abord un état des lieux, d’une part historique, et d’autre part consacré à l’actualité de [...]

Analyse de données quantitatives en sciences humaines et sociales (ADSHS) (FUN)

Pas besoin d’être matheux pour être confronté, au quotidien, à une profusion de chiffres et de données statistiques. Dans les médias, sur les réseaux sociaux ou même dans les conversations ordinaires, il est courant d’argumenter, chiffres à l’appui. Pourtant, sommes-nous sûrs de savoir d’où viennent et comment ont été [...]

Alterações Climáticas: Ligando Ciência e a Experiência da vida (EMMA)

O objetivo geral do curso Alterações Climáticas: o contexto das experiências de vida é introduzir o conceito de alterações climáticas no contexto do desenvolvimento sustentável, relacionando-o com as experiências vivenciadas por cada um de como, por exemplo, adaptar e mitigar os seu efeitos, relacionados com cheias, falta de [...]