Price Discrimination

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Cost and Economics in Pricing Strategy (Coursera)

How much should you charge for your products and services? Traditionally, businesses have answered this question based on the cost to produce or provide their goods and services. This course shows you the economic factors behind pricing based on cost and the pros and cons of a cost-based pricing [...]

Pricing Strategy (Coursera)

Pricing is one of the most important but least understood marketing decisions. Learn and practice concepts, techniques, and get to grips with the latest thinking on assessing and formulating pricing strategies. Analyze how firms attempt to capture value, as well as profits, in the revenues they earn. After [...]

Principles of Microeconomics: Social Microeconomics (edX)

Learn about the realm of public goods and game theory. You will investigate and analyse how competitive markets, price discrimination and many more microeconimic concepts contribute to particular outcomes in the real world. In this course, we begin your strategic thinking journey by exploring imperfect competition, price discrimination, oligopoly, [...]