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La recherche documentaire (Coursera)

Ce cours vise principalement à permettre aux étudiants d’identifier les sources pertinentes dans un domaine donné, leur apprendre à construire un état de l’art et à évaluer les sources, en particulier celles en accès libre sur Internet. Il cherche également à optimiser la recherche documentaire en incitant les étudiants [...]

Recherche bibliographique en santé (REAMOOC)

Nov 1st 2021
Recherche bibliographique en santé (REAMOOC)
Free Course
The MOOC, entitled “Health Bibliographic Research”, is designed for students, teachers and healthcare professionals. Throughout this MOOC, we will see the different aspects of documentary research in health, bibliographic writing and getting started with ZOTERO, a bibliographic management tool.

Research Writing: How to Do a Literature Review (FutureLearn)

No sessions available
Research Writing: How to Do a Literature Review (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn how to write a strong literature review with this course designed for research students, at any level, in any discipline. Improve your ability in a fundamental part of research: a literature review. Many students are required to write a critical review of current academic literature in their area [...]