Rachel Berkson

Education Manager at Wellcome Genome Campus, UK. Background in cancer genetics then education. Particularly interested in inclusive education.

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Train the Trainer: Design Genomics and Bioinformatics Training (FutureLearn)

Apr 1st 2024
Train the Trainer: Design Genomics and Bioinformatics Training (FutureLearn)
Free Course
Discover how to plan and design engaging learning for those wanting to generate and analyse genomic data. Explore techniques for genomics training. Genomics and bioinformatics is a growing area of research with important practical implications for sectors as diverse as healthcare, food production, and environmental research. On this course, [...]

Eukaryotic Genome Assembly: How to Use BlobToolKit for Quality Assessment (FutureLearn)

Dec 4th 2023
Eukaryotic Genome Assembly: How to Use BlobToolKit for Quality Assessment (FutureLearn)
Free Course
Gain practical skills in using the BlobToolKit to assess the quality of a eukaryotic genome assembly and improve your research. Discover how genome sequencing is moving beyond humans and model organisms. On this three-week course, you’ll gain the skills to assess the quality of published novel genomes and detect [...]