Lindsay Thibeault

Lindsay Thibeault (@LindsayRegina), Principal Inbound Professor at the HubSpot Academy, has been driving interactive marketing, brand strategy, and social media marketing at global companies for over seven years. She specializes in building communities that generate leads through compelling and ‘remarkable’ content, and has experience doing so in both agency and in-house settings. Managing HubSpot’s Inbound Certification, Lindsay has taught tens of thousands of marketers how to build scalable content creation, website optimization, and reporting strategies for their organizations.

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Inbound Marketing Course & Certification (HubSpot)

The Inbound Course & Certification is a free marketing training course that covers the fundamentals of the Inbound Marketing Methodology. Learn how SEO, Landing Pages, Blogging, Conversion, Lead Nurturing, and Email marketing come together to form a modern inbound marketing strategy.