Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith was director of the Office of Copyright and Scholarly Communications and is both a librarian and an attorney experienced in copyright and technology law. Kevin's principal role at Duke was to teach and advise faculty, administrators and students about copyright, intellectual property licensing and scholarly publishing. He also served as a resource on local and national policy in order to help the University community stay informed and involved with the changing landscape of scholarly publication. Kevin was the immediate past chair of the ACRL's Committee on Research and the Scholarly environment, and served on the steering committee for SPARC, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition. He is a frequent speaker and author on issues of copyright in higher education.

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Copyright for Multimedia (Coursera)

Copyright questions about different formats (data, images, music and video) can be especially difficult. Sometimes the law specifically distinguishes between these different formats, and in most cases there are media-specific considerations that impact a copyright analysis. In this course we will look at four different media, paying special attention [...]

Copyright for Educators & Librarians (Coursera)

Fear and uncertainty about copyright law often plagues educators and sometimes prevents creative teaching. This course is a professional development opportunity designed to provide a basic introduction to US copyright law and to empower teachers and librarians at all grade levels. Course participants will discover that the law [...]

Excel for Beginners (edX)

No knowledge of Excel? No problem! Mastering a few basic skills in Excel will open the door to new opportunities, jobs, and more advanced skills that can help you be more efficient in your work or advance your career in your current or a future position. If you’re hoping [...]