3D Modeling: Character Modeling Challenge (Skillshare)

3D Modeling: Character Modeling Challenge (Skillshare)
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3D Modeling: Character Modeling Challenge (Skillshare)
Are you tired of being a newbie with all the 3D modeling and animation you're learning? Do you want to learn and level up past being a novice? If that's you then this challenge is for you. The key to becoming great at anything is practice and progress, and that's what this challenge is all about. It doesn't matter when you start. Just get started! I'll be watching the projects closely as you create your characters each day.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

In this class, you're going to use Blender 3D to model a character each day for 7 days. I'll help you get up and running with Blender with the first videos, then I'll do a walkthrough of my process for creating a character. You shouldn't spend too much time each time you model. The point of the challenge is progress, not perfection.

If you're completely new to Blender then the initial videos should have you covered. If there is anything missing feel free to ask me a question in the discussion section, or google the question directly. There are tons of resources out there for Blender. You could also watch one of my other classes where I spend much more time and go much slower.

Project Description

- Down Load and Install Blender

- Watch the first videos.

- Post your character model each day to your class project.

- Spend some extra time on your last model and post it with your feelings about how much better you've become now that you've participated in the challenge.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Free Course

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.