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Learning with creativity: Let the game begin! (SchoolEducationGateway)

Play has long been an essential tool for learning. Philosophers, biologists, educators and psychologists alike have tried to investigate, understand and explain the roots and purpose of this universal activity. Whether no-, low- or high-tech, games are problem-solving activities approached with a playful attitude, making them a great way [...]

MOOC on Visual Literacies: Exploring educational practice and technologies (ViliProject)

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MOOC on Visual Literacies: Exploring educational practice and technologies (ViliProject)
Free Course
Welcome to this MOOC on visual literacies where we will be exploring the educational practices and technologies associated with visual communication and visual thinking. In this course you will find out about the transformative power of photos, mind maps, comics, infographics and data visualization; how educators use video and [...]