Digital Security

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Phishing Attacks (Totem)

Think before you click. Phishing happens to everyone, but most people only become aware of it once they have become a victim of an attack. Protecting yourself from phishing attacks starts with identifying an email or message as an attack before you click on the link or download the [...]

Secure Messaging Apps (Totem)

Write, send, deliver: How to message more securely. Messaging apps have become a key communication tool. We share a large amount of personal and professional messages, pictures, videos and attachments through messaging apps, but rarely question who might have access to this content.

Secure Passwords (Totem)

Pa$$word123, really? Follow your guide to good password management. By this point in the evolution of technology, most of us have a fairly large number of online accounts to keep track of, and to keep safe. It seems like we need multiple accounts for everything - email, messaging, social [...]

Becoming a Digital Citizen: an Introduction to the Digital Society (FutureLearn)

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Becoming a Digital Citizen: an Introduction to the Digital Society (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Become a more informed digital citizen and engage with debate about what is appropriate in the modern world of social media. The ‘digital citizen’ is a person who has developed the skills and knowledge to effectively use the internet and digital technologies, who uses digital technologies and the internet [...]
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Course Auditing
59.00 EUR