Kirsti Reitan Andersen

Kirsti Reitan Andersen is a Post Doc at Copenhagen Business School. In her current work she explores barriers and opportunities to change towards practicing sustainability in the textile and fashion industry, focusing on local production and alternative business models. Kirsti is engaged in the development of teaching material for business students and practitioners. She examines state of the art and cutting-edge approaches to online and blended learning to both draw on existing material and platforms and develop new material. Kirsti has led a Scandinavian project that uses film, image and text to bridge design and production across Norway, Sweden and Denmark to further business opportunities in the textile and fashion industry. She has extensive experience working with design and innovation, both in consultancy and research, drawing on her background in European Cultural Studies and applying and exploring ethnographic research methods in her work.

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Business Models For Sustainability (Coursera)

This course was created by some of the leading researchers on business model theory and social entrepreneurship in Europe in collaboration with both small and large companies across various sectors investing in sustainable business model innovation. This course provides an overview of sustainable business model theory and innovation and [...]

Sustainable Fashion (Coursera)

Sometimes when we say we work with sustainable fashion people look at us like... "Mmmm, is it really possible for something like fashion to be sustainable?" And let's face it, people are right being suspicious. If anything the fashion industry has become increasingly unsustainable over the last decades, using [...]

Art and the Digital Transformation (Coursera)

More than two decades into the new millennium, it is difficult to envision a future in which digital technologies do not play a significant role. Digital technologies frequently make a lot of promises. However, in recent years, we have seen an increasing number of artists address fundamental issues of [...]